

Wist u dat wij per jaar maar liefst 13.000 inbraakmeldingen ontvangen? En hoewel u niets kunt doen aan eventuele pogingen tot inbraak, kunt u er wel degelijk voor zorgen om een adequaat beveiligingssysteem te hebben, ter bescherming van uzelf, uw naasten en uw bezittingen.

PPS is fully equipped to offer optimal security. We exclusively work with trained and experienced professionals and preferably use the certified products of the brand Resideo, formerly known as Honeywell, for our alarm installations. Now, video monitoring conducted through our Remote Security Center is also part of our service portfolio.

The installation of an alarm system and the connection of this alarm system to our Control Room guarantees the professional receipt, registration and handling of any type of alarm notification. This means that in case of, for example, a burglary attempt, the alarm system will be activated, after which a signal will be sent to our Control Room. Subsequently, a series of processes and procedures - that have been previously been agreed upon with you - will automatically take effect for alarm response.

PPS has 7 alarm dispatch centers across Paramaribo. Our Control Room and Alarm Response Teams are available 24 hours per day, 7 days in the week to respond to alarm notifications. When an alarm notification is received, the client is contacted while simultaneously one of the Alarm Inspectors of the Alarm Response Teams is directed to the location. Because of our excellent collaboration with the National Police Corps and the short communication lines between us and the different police stations, we can count on the swift and efficient handling of burglary notifications and on-site assistance from the police, if necessary.

Our team of consultants will gladly provide you with customized security advice. Based on an initial interview and screening of the location that needs to be secured, you will be offered different options. Would you like more information about these services? Please contact us to request security advice free of obligation.
