Report a failure Report your failure quickly and safely through the failure reporting form below On what day can we contact you? MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday When can we contact you? 7:30 - 12:0012:00 - 16:0016:00 - 18:00 Storing BurglaryFire XL2TXL31XL4Vista 20Vista 128MP108MP110 CameraToegangOther Type of equipment related to the failure Movement sensorShock sensorMagnetic contactPerimeterSecurityOther Location/area Zone Description failure Service contract YesNo Urgency of failure One dayTwo daysOne weekOther Most recent visit Reason most recent visit In case you experience a failure of the installations outside of working hours, please directly contact the control room.Telephone number: 476433 SECURITY CORPORATE SECURITY CASH-IN-TRANSIT SERVICES REMOTE SECURITY CENTER